Can I encourage you to get with other more experienced people of prayer, join with them on a regular basis and pray? Take every opportunity to be at City–wide prayer events, join your church prayer group and if there is not a group, why don’t you ask if you can start one? Here in San Antonio there is an initiative to bring churches into a network of prayer across the whole city. The plan is simple. Choose one day a month divide up the hours so that each hour is bathed in prayer. At the pastors discretion he can call corporate times or arrange the day how he desires. As more and more churches engage in prayer, the powers of darkness will have to retreat, Light overcomes the darkness, and the atmosphere will change. May our city become a House of Prayer!
Nothing is too hard for the Lord and nothing is too hard for those who believe. Let us pray that the church will be filled with radical people of faith, who are going to pray ‘God Sized Prayers’; prayers that no one but God the Father can answer. Let us live our lives constantly under His shadow, feeling the passion of His heart and longing for all He wants. As we draw near into the secret place, may His tears for this broken sin-laden world fall upon us till our hearts break with His burdens.
O! Breath of Life come sweeping through us,
Revive Thy Church with life and power;
O Breath of Life come cleanse renew us,
And fit Thy Church to meet this hour. Mrs. B.P.Head
Eileen Vincent – March 2020